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Author: NVOxpress

NVOxpress patrocina equipa de futebol sénior do Sporting Clube de Coimbrões.

NVOxpress sponsors the Sporting Clube de Coimbrões senior football team.

NVOxpress sponsors the Sporting Clube de Coimbrões senior football team. In addition to the quality of services provided to our Customers and the care in providing our Employees with the best tools and a great working environment, NVOxpress also focuses its attention on connecting with the community and society in general, in patronage activities cultural […]
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Parabéns Bruno! Happy Birthday Bruno!

Happy Birthday Bruno!

Happy Birthday Bruno! Your Colleagues and the NVOxpress Administration wish you a Happy Birthday and may you have a happy and well-spent day! P.S.: don’t forget the Cake….
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Parabéns Luís!

Happy Birthday Luis!

Happy Birthday Luis! Your Colleagues and the NVOxpress Administration wish you Congratulations and may you have a happy day, full of good things! P.S.: Look at the Cake….
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Parabéns Ema!

Happy Birthday Ema!

Happy Birthday to you…. Happy Birthday…. Happy Birthday Ema! The NVOxpress Administration and your colleagues hope that you have a happy and well-spent day and that it will be repeated for many good years in good company, ours. P.S.: Look at the Cake….
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Vídeo publicado pelo Fórum Mundial da Economia sobre a importância da implementação de políticas de Saúde Mental no seio das empresas

Video published by the World Economic Forum regarding the importance of implementing Mental Health policies within companies

NVOxpress shares the video published by the World Economic Forum, which corroborates and supports the importance of implementing Mental Health policies within companies.   At NVOxpress we have already started this project, and our initiative was recently awarded by the Order of Portuguese Psychologists, honored by the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health and […]
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Parabéns Pedro!

Happy Birthday Pedro!

Happy Birthday Pedro! The Management and your Colleagues at NVOxpress wish you a Happy Birthday. May it be a happy and well spent day. p.s. You already know that there is a fine for those who don’t bring cake and sparkling wine.
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Feliz Santo António!

Happy Saint Anthony!

Happy Saint Anthony! (Saint Anthony of Lisbon or Padua) Saint Anthony with the Child, painting by Joaquim Manuel da Rocha Image: Reproduction – Museu do Santo António de Lisboa
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Dia Mundial Contra o Trabalho Infantil

World Day Against Child Labour

WORLD DAY AGAINST CHILD LABOUR On this World Day Against Child Labour, let’s All stand together in solidarity to protect the rights and well-being of every child. Children should be in school or playing, and grow in a safe environment, free from exploitation or slavery, so they can fulfill their full potential. Do not turn […]
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